Workshops Workshop | Class | Craft | Design | All Workshop Class Craft Design A Block Printing Workshop with Layering Techniques from ₹2,250.00 Select Product Long Scarf Tableware Large Tote Add To Cart Sampler to Brooch: An Embroidery Exploration Workshop from ₹2,250.00 Select Product Hooped Sampler Brooch Add To Cart A Natural Dyeing Workshop for Wellness Textiles from ₹2,250.00 Select Product Long Scarf Tableware Large Tote Add To Cart Mud to Marvel: Dabu's Resist Dyeing Workshop ₹3,750.00 Add To Cart The Comprehensive Garment Making Masterclass from ₹7,190.00 Select Module 1 - Natural Dye 2 - Block Print 3 - Embroidery 4 - Surface Design 5 - Garment Design & Stitch Add To Cart